
The sampling classes are the foundation of the Monte Carlo machinery that VMC depends on. They provide a way of sampling system configurations (i.e. positions of all particles) from a possibly unnormalized probability amplitude (i.e. wavefunctions), which in turn allows us to efficiently evaluate multidimensional integrals.

class qflow.samplers.Sampler

The Sampler class provides a unified abstraction for the generation of successive system instances drawn from some probability distribution (i.e. a wavefunction).

All other code expecting a sampler instance will take a Sampler reference.

The subclasses of Sampler will differ only in how they generate new samples, according to their respective algorithms. As such they have different parameters that can be set at initialization.

property acceptance_rate

Rate at which newly proposed samples where accepted by the algorithm.

next_configuration(self: qflow.samplers.Sampler) → numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]

Return a newly sampled system configuration.

There is no guarantee that this will always differ between successive calls, but with a sufficient number of calls the distribution of outputs, \(P(\mathbf{X})\) should approximate

\[P(\mathbf{X}) \simeq |\Psi(\mathbf{X})|^2\]
thermalize(self: qflow.samplers.Sampler, arg0: int) → None

Generate a given number of samples, discarding all.

This is useful to ensure that the sampler has reached a stable point where samples are representative of the underlying distribution.

class qflow.samplers.MetropolisSampler

Implementation of the standard Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, producing a Markov Chain of system configurations. 1

Each configuration is a _random_ perturbation of its predecessor if accepted, or a copy if rejected. The perturbation is defined as a \(D\) dimensional vector of uniform random numbers in \(\frac{1}{2}[-s, s]\) for some scale parameter \(s\).


This implementation only changes the coordinates of one particle at a time. This means that two successive calls to next_configuration() will at most differ in one row of the output. This can be trusted to always be the case, and potential optimizations can be made based on this knowledge. For instance, if caching of relative distances is employed, only the distances corresponding to the changed particle would have to be recalculated.



W. K. Hastings; Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications, Biometrika, Volume 57, Issue 1, 1 April 1970, Pages 97–109,


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from qflow.samplers import MetropolisSampler
>>> from qflow.wavefunctions import SimpleGaussian
>>> psi = SimpleGaussian()
>>> sampler = MetropolisSampler(np.zeros((2, 3)), psi, step_size=1)

We can now get samples of the desired size on demand:

>>> sampler.next_configuration()
array([[-0.61370758,  0.08936709,  0.15872668],
       [ 0.05973557,  0.07445129, -0.29230947]])

Thermalize the sampler (equivalent to running next_configuration the given number of times, only faster):

>>> sampler.thermalize(100)

Inspect the acceptance rate:

>>> sampler.acceptance_rate
__init__(self: qflow.samplers.MetropolisSampler, system: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], wavefunction: _qflow_backend.wavefunctions.Wavefunction, step_size: float = 1) → None

Construct a sampler that uses the standard Metropolis algorithm. The step_size determines how different successive configurations will be, and should be tuned such that the acceptance rate remains high at all times.

class qflow.samplers.ImportanceSampler

Modified version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, which employs a smarter way of generating new samples. 2 The variance of integrals computed using this algorithm tends to be significantly lower compared to MetropolisSampler, at the expense of higher run-time cost.


Importance sampling may only be used with wavefunctions that implements the Wavefunction.drift_force method. If this is not fulfilled, the program will halt immediately without any way of catching an exception from Python.


This algorithm differs from Metropolis-Hastings in the perturbations made, with a corresponding change in the acceptance probability. In our case,

\[X_k^{(i+1)} = X_k^{(i)} + \sqrt{t}\mathcal{n} + t \frac{1}{\Psi}\nabla_k \Psi,\]

where \(X_k^{(i)}\) is the coordinates of particle \(k\) at time step \(i\), \(\mathcal{n}\) is a random number drawn from the standard normal distribution and \(t\) is the step size parameter used to tune how different successive samples are.

Similarly to MetropolisSampler, only one particle is perturbed at a time.



Reiher, W. (1966), Hammersley, J. M., D. C. Handscomb: Monte Carlo Methods. Methuen & Co., London, and John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964. VII + 178 S., Preis: 25 s. Biom. J., 8: 209-209. doi:10.1002/bimj.19660080314


This is used exactly like MetropolisSampler, with the only exception being the meaning of the step_size.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from qflow.samplers import ImportanceSampler
>>> from qflow.wavefunctions import SimpleGaussian
>>> psi = SimpleGaussian()
>>> sampler = ImportanceSampler(np.zeros((2, 3)), psi, step_size=0.1)
>>> sampler.next_configuration()
array([[ 0.56938477,  0.25037102, -0.50411809],
       [-0.8038079 ,  0.15799471, -0.06645576]])
>>> sampler.thermalize(100)
>>> sampler.acceptance_rate
__init__(self: qflow.samplers.ImportanceSampler, system: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], wavefunction: _qflow_backend.wavefunctions.Wavefunction, step_size: float = 0.1) → None
class qflow.samplers.GibbsSampler
__init__(self: qflow.samplers.GibbsSampler, system: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], rbm_wavefunction: _qflow_backend.wavefunctions.RBMWavefunction) → None